Thursday, 11 July 2013

Toybox REVIEW: S.H. Figuarts Dragon Ranger

SH Figuarts Dragon Ranger Green Ranger Zyuranger Power Rangers Burai Tommy

The Super Sentai S.H. Figuarts were always going to popular to both Japanese and Western audiences because they also double as high-end Power Rangers figures, but this is the point where things are going to start getting really interesting. As usual the Akibaranger merchandising onslaught has brought about a selection of official heroes, the first release being Dragon Ranger from Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger. While in Zyuranger Burai is an excellent character and extremely notable for being the first full-time sixth ranger, Western fans are also champing at the bit for this one because the suit also represents the original Green Ranger from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Whether this figure will represent Tommy or Burai to you, here is the review!

SH Figuarts Dragon Ranger Green Ranger Zyuranger Power Rangers Burai TommySH Figuarts Dragon Ranger Green Ranger Zyuranger Power Rangers Burai Tommy

Dragon Ranger comes in a rather fetching box, which certainly evokes the ancient/fantasy Zyuranger aesthetic. In fact, I'd say it does that so well the the boxes advertising the Akibaranger parts on the back look a little out of place with their colourful logos. One thing I noticed here (and forgot to mention with Super Akiba Red) is that the top tray that holds everything in is now much smaller, just popping on like a lid rather than wrapping around the whole bottom tray.

SH Figuarts Dragon Ranger Green Ranger Zyuranger Power Rangers Burai Tommy

SH Figuarts Dragon Ranger Green Ranger Zyuranger Power Rangers Burai TommySH Figuarts Dragon Ranger Green Ranger Zyuranger Power Rangers Burai Tommy

So here he is, the original sixth ranger whichever franchise you're looking at (no, X-1 Mask of Maskman does not count in this circumstance). The first thing I should probably address is the Dragon shield, which is removable...kind of. There are various pictures floating around the internet of the shield removed, but from what I can gather it takes a bit of prying and leaves an exposed screw hole so it wasn't really INTENDED for it (after all, how would they sell the Armoured Tyranno Ranger figure then?). Plus the armbands don't come off anyway so transferring it to another figure would only be half complete.

There's still no arm swivel (I guess the Gokaigers only had that for Gokai Red's crossed arm piece) but the sculpt is every bit as good as the best of Sentai figuarts (such as Red Hawk). The shield only really gets in the way of posing the arms straight up, but also helps mask how unseemly the shoulder joints can get if they aren't rotated properly. The only slight misstep is the cut in the gloves that's a result of the elbow joints, but I suppose that was pretty unavoidable without changing the body in a big way.

SH Figuarts Dragon Ranger Green Ranger Zyuranger Power Rangers Burai TommySH Figuarts Dragon Ranger Green Ranger Zyuranger Power Rangers Burai Tommy

Dragon Ranger's accessory count includes 10 swappable hands, the Zyusouken (or Dragon Dagger for you Power Rangers fans) and the Demon Sword Hellfried (Sword of Darkness), which was used while Dragon Ranger fought against the Zyurangers/Tommy was under Rita's spell. So while there isn't a whole load of accessories here, including Hellfried is an excellent touch (after all if was only in a few episodes) as it means Dragon Ranger can be posed in his "evil" persona as well as a hero.

I won't deny the posing Dragon Ranger playing the Zyusouken like on the box is a somewhat tricky task, but it's not nearly as impossible as you might read some claim on the internet. It takes a lot of balancing, but the tip of the handle is able to fit reasonably firmly into the right hand and then the left stretch around the touch the buttons. It may take a little bit of fiddling around with, but it's certainly doable.

SH Figuarts Dragon Ranger Green Ranger Zyuranger Power Rangers Burai Tommy

SH Figuarts Dragon Ranger Green Ranger Zyuranger Power Rangers Burai TommySH Figuarts Dragon Ranger Green Ranger Zyuranger Power Rangers Burai Tommy

Dragon Ranger also comes with bonus Akibaranger parts (not included in the Bluefin Power Rangers release), however they take a slightly different form to the inordinate powers included with the season one guest stars. With the Dairangers and Zyurangers taking on different personas in the delusion world, accessories to recreate these have been included and the powers left to come with the season two versions of Akiba Blue and Yellow. So here we have the star spangled banner neck and belt pieces, turning Dragon Ranger into his gloriously macho "Powerful Rangers" counterpart, ready to speak in a hilarious English accent and hit on Malshina at a moment's notice.

SH Figuarts Dragon Ranger Zyuranger Akibaranger Powerful RangersSH Figuarts Dragon Ranger Zyuranger Akibaranger Powerful Rangers

SH Figuarts Dragon Ranger Zyuranger Akibaranger Powerful Rangers

While I fully acknowledge this figure is a big deal, I wasn't expecting to be completely blown away by it. I was pretty underwhelmed by Zyuranger on the whole (although Burai was the best character undoubtedly) and despite being a big fan of MMPR I never understood the fuss about the Green Ranger. However holding this figure in my hands turned out to be a completely different experience. Ignoring the nostalgia I was overcome with, Dragon Ranger is an example of how the Super Sentai Figuarts are continuing to improve and that even if they don't come with many accessories (even though he pretty much has EVERYTHING he needs), they can still be fantastically good toys regardless. I expect the sale of Dragon Ranger is going be HUGE so things could go either way - the popularity could mean there will be plenty in supply (especially with a "proper" Western release too), or he could sell out (unlikely because Sentai Figuarts rarely do, but we'll see). Whatever happens, this is pretty much an essential purchase for any Super Sentai and Power Rangers fan, or even any 90s kid who wants to add a fantastic piece of nostalgia to their toy collection.

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