Wednesday, 31 May 2023

Miniseries REVIEW: Kamen Rider Juuga VS Kamen Rider Orteca

Kamen Rider Judge VS Kamen Rider Orteca

On top of it being the 50th anniversary series, the sheer number of Riders that appear in Kamen Rider Revice made it clear that there was plenty of spin-off potential to be mined from it. While more obvious candidates got their shot at the spotlight either during the actual run of the series or in the more prestigious V-Cinema release, there's always the post-series Toei Tokusatsu Fan Club exclusives to think of as well. Of course, these are also an opportunity to add even more Riders to the mix as well. Kamen Rider Juuga VS Kamen Rider Orteca just happens to do both - putting series mainstay and Kamen Rider fanboy George Karizaki in the spotlight as he fights off against former Deadmans member Orteca as he finally takes on his own Rider form.

Friday, 26 May 2023

Toybox REVIEW: Power Rangers Lightning Collection Mighty Morphin Ninja Red Ranger

Power Rangers Lightning Collection Mighty Morphin Ninja Red Ranger 01

Release Date: June 2022
RRP: $26.99/£32.99

And just like that, another Power Rangers Lightning Collection team is completed! Although admittedly this isn't one fans had to wait all that long for, given that all six Mighty Morphin Ninja Rangers were released in 2022. That said, the Lightning Collection Mighty Morphin Ninja Red Ranger did come a little later than most of his teammates, joining the Yellow Ranger as a June release whilst all the others hit in January. Though by this point the Red Ranger wasn't the leader of the team it does feel somewhat fitting for Rocky to be the one to round off the team, gaining new Ninja powers from the Ape Power Coin.

Thursday, 25 May 2023

Toybox REVIEW: NECA Reel Toys Charred Chucky

NECA Reel Toys Charred Chucky 01

Release Date: August 2022
RRP: $39.99

With the way that the Chucky franchise has evolved into the titular character having multiple variants of himself, NECA are sitting on an untapped gold mine when it comes to toys. But that isn't to say they haven't dabbled in the realm of variants just yet, with them going all the way back to the original 1988 Child's Play for the NECA Reel Toys Charred Chucky figure. Based on his appearance at the very end of the film after Karen and Andy Barclay have managed to trap him in the fireplace, the figure was released exclusively through Shout Factory's website to coincide with their 4K releases of the original Child's Play trilogy. The figure was available both as a standalone release, and together in a special set with the three films.

Thursday, 18 May 2023

FEATURE: Damiensaber Xenopixel Xeno3.0 Lightsaber Review - Use the Force with Bluetooth control!

Damiensaber Xenopixel Xeno3.0 Lightsaber 01

As I much suspected to be the case with high-end lightsabers, it's impossible to just stop at one. After being so impressed with their "Luke Saber Force FX Heavy Duelling" Lightsaber earlier in the year, I absolutely jumped at the chance to take a look at what else Damiensaber had to offer in the way of replica RGB lightsabers. This time we're looking at the cream of the crop when it comes to duelling sabers, with a Damiensaber Xenopixel Xeno3.0 Lightsaber review! This is the very latest in their run of impressive Xenopixel lightsabers, which now combines the fully LED blade with both bluetooth and mobile app functionality - letting you use the Force to control your lightsaber like never before.

Saturday, 13 May 2023

Toybox REVIEW: Power Rangers Lightning Collection Mighty Morphin Ninja Yellow Ranger

Power Rangers Lightning Collection Mighty Morphin Ninja Yellow Ranger 01

Release Date: June 2022
RRP: $26.99/£32.99

While the bulk of the Mighty Morphin Ninja Ranger team were released by Hasbro in one fell swoop, the last two members came a few months later. Why this was is anyone's guess given how crazy Hasbro's release schedules have been over the last few years, but nevertheless getting the whole team in a matter of months is still a pretty crazy achievement. The Lightning Collection Mighty Morphin Yellow Ranger joined the Red Ranger as the final two releases from this "wave", representing second Yellow Ranger Aisha Campbell as she gained her new ninja powers from the Bear Power Coin. "It's time to boogie with the bear."

Thursday, 11 May 2023

Toybox REVIEW: Transformers Studio Series 86 Dinobot Sludge

Transformers Studio Series 86 Dinobot Sludge 01

Release Date: July 2022
RRP: $54.99/£55.99

So far the Transformers Studio Series 86 line has delivered hit after hit, but undoubtedly one of the most exciting aspects of it has been the opportunity to get a full set of official Dinobots that match up to their size and stature on the cartoon itself. Since Hasbro only release so many leader class figures a year it's a bit of a slow process, but at least fans were able to round off 2022 with the original trio of these fan favourite Autobots. Studio Series 86 Dinobot Sludge is the fourth leader class figure from the Transformers: The Movie 35th anniversary range, following on from Grimlock, Slug (Slag) and Coronation Starscream.

Monday, 8 May 2023

Movie REVIEW: Revice Forward: Kamen Rider Live & Evil & Demons

Revice Forward: Kamen Rider Live & Evil & Demons

One of the great advantages of the Kamen Rider V-Cinext (formerly V-Cinema) epilogue movies is the opportunity to focus on the extended cast of a series - characters that might not have had quite the development they deserved in the show itself but still have plenty to offer. When it comes to Kamen Rider Revice, there's quite an extensive roster of Riders and that could be said for plenty of them. But for the first of Revice's V-Cinext releases the spotlight is cast on what are perhaps the two most obvious candidates. As its name suggests, Revice Forward: Kamen Rider Live & Evil & Demons focuses on Hiromi Kadota and Daiji Igarashi, along with the latter's demon Kagero. Timeline-wise the film takes place after the events of Kamen Rider Geats x Revice: Movie Battle Royale, was written by Nobuhiro Mouri (who served as a secondary writer on Revice, among many other shows) and directed by Koichi Sakamoto.

Sunday, 7 May 2023

Toybox REVIEW: Power Rangers Lightning Collection Mighty Morphin Ninja Black Ranger

Power Rangers Lightning Collection Mighty Morphin Ninja Black Ranger 01

Release Date: January 2022
RRP: $26.99/£32.99

Getting all of the Ninja Rangers as part of the Lightning Collection in a matter of months was definitely a big plus to Power Rangers collectors, but as a reviewer I definitely felt the need to try and space them out a bit to keep things varied. So continuing on with these unique forms from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season 3 and Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie we have the Lightning Collection Mighty Morphin Ninja Black Ranger, which was released alongside White, Blue and Pink with Red and Yellow then joining them a few months later. Following the loss of his dino Power Coin Adam Park now takes the power of the frog, "like the one you kiss to get a handsome prince".

Friday, 5 May 2023

Toybox REVIEW: ACT MODE Tsubasa Kazanari

ACT MODE Tsubasa Kazanari 01

Release Date: August 2022
RRP: 8900 yen

With the release of ACT MODE Tsubasa Kazanari, Good Smile Company's ACT MODE line has finally done what Figma failed to do so many years ago – released all three of the original Symphogear girls in action figure form. Of course with the imminent release of Maria, Kirika and Shirabe this year we know the line is far from done yet, but even then just managing to get these three out is a monumental achievement. The longest-serving and most experienced of SONG's Symphogear users, Tsubasa fight with the blade-themed Ame no Habakiri relic.

Thursday, 4 May 2023

Movie REVIEW: Kamen Rider Geats x Revice: Movie Battle Royale

Kamen Rider Geats x Revice: Movie Battle Royale

In 2016 the traditional Winter Kamen Rider crossover film between the current and previous series dropped the "Movie War" tagline it had used religiously since 2010, moving into a new format with the more succinct "Generations" tagline. Now in 2022 it's mixing things up once again with a semi-return to that classic title, bringing it forth into the Reiwa era with Kamen Rider Geats x Revice: Movie Battle Royale. In addition to bringing together the casts of Kamen Rider Geats and Kamen Rider Revice, Movie Battle Royale celebrates the 20th anniversary of Kamen Rider Ryuki – bringing some familiar faces from that series into the mix as well. The film was written by both Yuya Takahashi and Hanta Kinoshita (the head writers for Geats and Revice respectively), and was directed by Takayuki Shibasaki.