As a single box minipla model, FS-0O is simple to build even for minipla standards. The figure has a minimal amount of stickers to apply, which are mostly silver detailing aside from the frog eyes and Go-Buster KeroOh face. The three tadpole missiles stored in the top section are removable, and can be fitted in a slot revealed by opening the frog mouth. Articulation-wise as well as the frog mouth each foot is hinged, while the top turret section and turbines can rotate 360 degrees. As was the case with CB-01, GT-02 and RH-03, a miniature Ene-tan in included which fits behind the frog head.
Finally we have Go-Buster KeroOh, which is formed by swapping out all the rabbit pieces on Go-BusterOh. I wasn't a huge fan of the Go-BusterOh combination, and its no surprise that many of the flaws carry over to this version (of no fault of this kit). While I do like the unique look of the robot's arm and the sheer ridiculousness of its face (how can you say no to a giant scuba diving robot?), the green doesn't mix quite as well with red and blue as the yellow did making an even more garish mess of colour.
FS-0O Frog isn't a spectacular figure, but neither is it a terrible one. For a one box kit and a one off appearance mecha (at the time of writing it shows no sign of appearing in the Go-Busters series), its a perfectly good toy, and adds nicely to the weird menagerie of animals already in the line. One for completists undoubtedly, but in a series with no green ranger its hardly going to look amiss on a display shelf.
Paint gone wrong. |
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