Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Toybox REVIEW: S.H. Figuarts Deka Green

SH Figuarts Deka Green Dekaranger Super Sentai Bandai

"Three! For the future of scientific investigation!"

Hot on the heels of the Tamashii Web exclusive Deka Blue was S.H. Figuarts Deka Green, the third release from Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger. Like Blue, Deka Green is also a web exclusive leaving Red as the only mass release member of the team (unless Deka Break or Deka Master are potentially announced at some stage...but that's unlikely) and was originally released back in December 2012. Bandai's methods aren't ideal if you're someone planning to buy the whole team, but this is a much better option than not getting the figures at all.

SH Figuarts Deka Green Dekaranger Super Sentai Bandai

SH Figuarts Deka Green Dekaranger Super Sentai BandaiSH Figuarts Deka Green Dekaranger Super Sentai Bandai

Once again we have the standard Dekaranger packaging, only this time in green and sporting a "3" like the ranger inside. The green on the clear window is a brighter shade than the box itself, making the name of the character probably stand out the most on the whole thing. The box is standard Figuarts size, with just one plastic tray to house all of the components.

SH Figuarts Deka Green Dekaranger Super Sentai Bandai

SH Figuarts Deka Green Dekaranger Super Sentai BandaiSH Figuarts Deka Green Dekaranger Super Sentai Bandai

If you've been buying the Dekarangers as they come out (which is likely unless a particular exclusive one is your favourite), you'll probably be quite familiar with the body by now - only this time its in green! Much like Deka Blue the little silver SPD details seem that much sharper than the mass release Deka Red, and the weird shoulder style of Sentai Figuarts has clearly evolved from being a potentially scary break area. Sure you'll probably find yourself poking them around by hand in order to cover up the inner mechanics, but the fact they move so freely when posing the arms is a very fair trade off. The articulation is superb as usual, with  a fully poseable head, shoulders, waist, (swing-down) thighs, ankles, double jointed elbows/knees and a hinged toe area to top it all off.

Deka Green comes with three weapon holsters that can be plugged into the belt, all of which fit very firmly and don't move about even when getting the figure into the more dynamic poses it can pull off.

SH Figuarts Deka Green Dekaranger Super Sentai Bandai

SH Figuarts Deka Green Dekaranger Super Sentai BandaiSH Figuarts Deka Green Dekaranger Super Sentai Bandai

Deka Green features a wide number of accessories including 13 alternate hands, flip-open SP license, D-Knuckle and D-Rod (both folded and extended). Admittedly these are also the accessories included with Deka Blue, however this is accurate to the show as they did indeed use the same weaponry. The only unique accessory is the combined D-Knuckle and D-Rod, which forms the D-Blaster (as opposed to Blue, who comes with the D-Sniper).

SH Figuarts Deka Green Dekaranger Super Sentai BandaiSH Figuarts Deka Green Dekaranger Super Sentai Bandai

SH Figuarts Deka Green Dekaranger Super Sentai Bandai

Out of the three Dekarangers released so far, I have to say that Green is probably my favourite. There aren't any big differences between him and Deka Blue (other than the colour obviously) aside from the combined weapon piece, but Deka Green feels like a much tighter figure overall. He's easy to get into good poses, and the holsters stay securely locked into the belt even when you're handling the figure trying to get it into a good pose. It's status as a (rather rare at the moment) Tamashii Web exclusive may put a few people off, but if you can actually track one down they go for a quite reasonable price. Deka Green isn't a perfect figure since it's still the same mould as the other two, but rest assured if you're picking him up or planning to get the whole set you may find yourself pleasantly surprised with Deka number 3.

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