Thursday, 27 December 2012

Character Building Doctor Who Microfigures Series 3: Handibot, Ood and Vashta Nerada

Character Building Doctor Who Microfigures Series 3 Handibot, Ood and Vashta Nerada

We're back with more entries into series 3 of Character Building's Doctor Who microfigures, this time with a  look at a common figure, an uncommon figure and a rare one!

Character Building Doctor Who Microfigures Series 3 Handibot 01

Character Building Doctor Who Microfigures Series 3 Handibot 02

Character Building Doctor Who Microfigures Series 3 Handibot 03Character Building Doctor Who Microfigures Series 3 Handibot 04

From the common side of things we have the Handibot, which appeared in the episode The Girl Who Waited from season six. Its probably the blandest and least interesting figure in the wave, being almost entirely white and featureless. The stretched out palm is a nice touch, but its the only plus on what's otherwise a pretty boring figure.

Character Building Doctor Who Microfigures Series 3 Ood 01

Character Building Doctor Who Microfigures Series 3 Ood 02

Character Building Doctor Who Microfigures Series 3 Ood 03Character Building Doctor Who Microfigures Series 3 Ood 04

Secondly there's the Ood, an uncommon figure which has appeared numerous times since the show's relaunch, but most notably The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit from season two and Planet of the Ood from season four. The Ood face tentacles are moulded onto the face as a solid piece, and the figure comes with a translator device accessory.

Character Building Doctor Who Microfigures Series 3 Vashta Nerada 01

Character Building Doctor Who Microfigures Series 3 Vashta Nerada 02

Character Building Doctor Who Microfigures Series 3 Vashta Nerada 03Character Building Doctor Who Microfigures Series 3 Vashta Nerada 04

As for the rare figure, its none other than a Vashta Nerada from the season four 2-part episode Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead. I can't say the episodes are among my favourites, but I always thought the monster itself was pretty cool and this figure really reflects that. The skull paintjob is fantastic and really gives it a creepy ethereal look to it. The Vashta Nerada is definitely a contender for the surprise hit of the wave!

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