Friday, 17 September 2010

Toybox REVIEW: Doctor Who New Paradigm Dalek Strategist

In brief addition to the review of the Doctor Who season 5 Dalek Drone figure I reviewed a few months back, here is the second (or third if you include the SDCC exclusive Dalek Scientist/11th Doctor 2-pack which, at a hefty £25, I do not) release in the New Dalek Paradigm - the Dalek Strategist.
And frankly I must say it’s looking a whole lot better in blue. Maybe it’s me slowly warming up to the design, or perhaps it’s that I have a soft spot for blue Daleks (although this is the first time a primary blue Dalek has been canon), but this is certainly missing some of that oomph I felt the drone was missing. Despite mine having some dodgy QC (the eyestalk is stiff to the point I feel I’m going to break it, and the appendages are bent at the connector ends) this was a great purchase and I’m now looking forward with a renewed hope to the rest of the New Dalek Paradigm…..and of course the stone Dalek!

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