Monday 8 February 2010

Toybox REVIEW: Revoltech Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann

Finally, after missing its initial release due to lack of funding and having to scour the aftermarket in hopes of finding one, I've finally bought a reasonably priced (£30) Revoltech Super Galaxy (or Chouginga if you prefer) Gurren Lagann from ebay, thus completing my collection by owning all 5 original TV iterations of the mech. Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann is the robot mode of the giant space battleship Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren, making its first appearance in episode 25's epic conclusion.

As per usual Kaiyodo really come through when it comes to sculpt and paint detail, with the figure being covered in small windows from the spaceship mode. Its a nice blend of black, red and gold with some great neon green hints in certain places (would have been fantastic if these were glow in the dark, but I feel that might be a bit TOO much wishful thinking).

After the disappointing lack of accessories with the Arch Gurren Lagann figure, its nice to see to return to form for this figure. Included are multiple sets of hands (including my personal favourite, the "drill fingertips of awesomness" left hand as seen in the beginning of episode 26 and the Lagann-hen movie), a "Super Galaxy Boomerang" shades weapon and an additional set of shoulder spikes. The beauty of these spikes is that they can be placed on the shoulders of the figure when the gold drills are removed for accuracy, and then the 2 drills can be connected to create the DOUBLE DRILL SUPER GALAXY GIGA DRILL BREAK!!!! (sadly lacking from Lagann-hen). Another little extra I quite like is the easily removable 2-part shades piece for the torso, which is far easier to take off than the 1-piece shade plates on the Gurren and Gurren Lagann figures. The only downside to this is they can seem a little lop sided when not positioned properly.

All in all this is one of Revoltech's best Gurren Lagann figures (second only to the ever so mighty Gurren/Lagann combo) and I'm glad it was the last one I bought so that my collection could end on a high. Now I'm considering picking up the Enkidu figure to fill the void that completing this little collection has left behind.....

.......until Kaiyodo decide to make a Revoltech Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.....

.....come on Kaiyodo, you know you want to.

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