Friday, 30 December 2022

Toybox REVIEW: G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro)

G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 01

Release Date: July 2022
RRP: $24.99/£23.99

When the Classified Series was launched not even Hasbro probably imagined it would revive G.I. Joe the way it has, but it's clear collectors can't get enough of the "Real American Hero" rebooted in six-inch form. Now that the Classified Series sits comfortably with Hasbro's other tentpole collector lines, re-releases in retro packaging were inevitable. Among the first of these figures is the G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro), reimagining the Cobra terrorist operative with a throwback colour scheme and classic card back packaging. While it might not have been all that long since Baroness first made her appearance in the Classified Series, given that was a store exclusive "Cobra Island" release with a chunky Cobra C.O.I.L. motorcycle there are probably a lot of buyers out there keen to pick her up in a more basic version.

G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) Card 01

G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) Card 02G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) Card 03G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) Card 04G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) Card 05

This edition of Baroness comes in special retro-style packaging consisting of card back and plastic bubble, specifically the kind you can't easily open without destroying it. While I understand that Hasbro clearly think there's a big market for retro packaging and G.I. Joe especially makes up a big percentage of that audience, it's not really my thing (then again, neither is paying extra for a cumbersome vehicle so this was definitely the better option). The card itself is pretty vibrant with some classic artwork of the Cobra operative, boldly proclaiming her as a "Cobra Enemy" underneath the GI Joe logo. The back of the card features a cutout bio, as well as images of some of the other figures available in this retro collection (two of which are silhouettes). Once you tear into the packaging, the figure and its accessories are neatly stored on a slim plastic tray. Note that her glasses are removed in-packaging and need to be slipped on the grooves either side of her eyes.

G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 02

G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 03G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 04G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 05G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 06

G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 07G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 08G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 09G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 10

The retro edition Baroness is a minor repaint of the standard Classified Series Baroness, with a few key details altered to make it more like the original design/toy. The various shades and colour tones of the suit have been removed to give her an all-black body suit, with the bright red Cobra emblem on the breastplate being the only bit of colour it has to offer. The Cobra emblems on the belt and gloves are now unpainted, having previously been red on the initial figure. The holster around the left leg has been removed, and her glasses now sport a basic black frame rather than a fancy gold trim. Sure it's a bit of a downgrade in terms of paint apps and detailing, but it pulls off its intended purpose of emulating the original toy reasonably well. The use of glossy plastic on the armoured parts also makes up for the minimal paintwork, giving the figure a nice variety of finishes rather than colours. What really sells this figure is the head sculpt though, perfectly capturing that femme fatale look Baroness needs to have.

G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 11

G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 12G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 13G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 14G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 15

G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 16G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 17G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 18G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 19

G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 20G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 21G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 22

Among Hasbro's various collector lines the Classified Series shows off some of the very best articulation, possibly due to it being one of the newest. While Baroness certainly matches up to what is usually expected from a Hasbro figure, it's sad to see some of the more irksome practices they do in other lines creeping in here as well. Altogether Baroness features;
- Ball jointed neck, torso, waist and hips
- Swivel hinge shoulders, elbows, wrists and ankles
- Butterfly joint shoulders
- Double hinge knees
- Thigh swivels 
Rather than Baroness showing off cutting edge Classified Series articulation, sadly she's pretty par for the course when it comes to Hasbro doing women figures. Touches like the ball jointed neck and torso are nice, but the use of swivel hinge elbows over a double hinge and a bicep swivel continues to be frustrating. The elbow bend isn't even good enough to pose her adjusting her glasses! Another (admittedly more minor) point of frustration is the ankles, which have good sideways and backward movement but very little in the way of forwards. Options aren't completely limited, but it can make balancing a little more fiddly than it needs to be. 

G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 23

G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 24G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 25G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 26G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 27

G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 28G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 29G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 30G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 31

G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 32G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 33G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 34G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 35

G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 36G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 37G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 38

In addition to her glasses Baroness also comes packaged with two handguns and two different assault rifles, the latter of which were previously included with the "Cobra Island" Cobra Trooper (as well as likely some other figures in the line). Each of the weapons is moulded entirely in black plastic without any additional paintwork, but all have plenty of moulded detail to make them visually appealing. In terms of overall compatibility with the figure the handguns definitely come out on top here, not just because they can fit into her holsters when not in use but also they both fit in the hands better and just generally look better overall. The other weapons are certainly nice (and who would say no to some heavier artillery?), but the fact they were originally made for a different figure shows. The grip of the hands needs to be stretched a bit in order to make them fit, and even then due to the more limited articulation of the body getting a decent two-handed pose takes a bit of work. Both weapons also have pegs that would allow them to be clipped onto the figure's back, only Baroness' hair completely blocks the port so that's completely out of the question. Once again it isn't that there's necessarily anything wrong with what Hasbro have done here, it's just that the Classified Series has become known for better.

G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 39G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 40G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 41

One extra accessory unique to these retro-style figures though is the rectangular black display stand, proudly sporting a moulded Cobra logo as well as two pegs for each foot of the figure. As far as display stands go it's pretty basic, but these days just getting one with a modern figure is a novelty in itself. The stand is also a perfect match to the ones included with the original 3.75" figures, further enhancing the whole "retro" value of this version of Baroness.

G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 42

G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 43G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 44G.I. Joe Classified Series Baroness (Retro) 45

Even as a casual G.I. Joe fan I've been incredibly impressed with what the Classified Series has pulled off on the few figures I've purchased, but this retro Classified Series Baroness doesn't really hit the mark in the same way. Sure I'm eternally grateful for the opportunity to buy a key Cobra member without the additional cost of a vehicle I don't need, but it's a shame to see Hasbro shortchange their female figures here just like they seem to in their other lines as well. As one of the series' core villains this is a great way to pick Baroness up at a lower cost, but unless the retro charm of this deco really has a hold on you this release is a lot less remarkable than the rest of the line might have you believe.

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