Saturday, 7 September 2013

Custom Figure: TV 21 Comics Black Dalek

TV21 Comics Black Dalek Doctor Who Custom Character Options Zeg

I'm into the TV-21 Dalek comics in a big way. So much that getting a nice little collection of comic-deco Daleks is one of my biggest priorities when it comes to customs. I've already got a Zeg, and another project in the works (which you'll see in the pictures further down) thanks to a garage kit I managed to find online. The only problem is that these require 1964 Daleks as the base, and these aren't particularly cheap to procure anymore. While a talking version is out in the near future to make life a little easier, I managed to pick an original one up from a convention and started work on my next project - the Black Dalek!

TV21 Comics Black Dalek Doctor Who Custom Character Options Zeg

Notice how I said "Black Dalek" rather than "Dalek Supreme"? This is how the Dalek is referred to by the Emperor in the comic and to me the name connotates a little more than simply leadership. When Zeg challenges for leadership of the Daleks and proclaims his invincibility, he is demanded to test his worth against the Black Dalek. Though the Black Dalek's firepower proves completely ineffective against Zeg, the challenge suggests that this is perhaps the strongest Dalek in the empire. Not just a leader, but a black knight of sorts. The Emperor's champion.

TV21 Comics Black Dalek Doctor Who Custom Character Options Zeg

TV21 Comics Black Dalek Doctor Who Custom Character Options ZegTV21 Comics Black Dalek Doctor Who Custom Character Options Zeg

Though other black Daleks would appear in the comics with different decos (including the Dalek Supreme of the 1965 Dr. Who and the Daleks movie), this one is based off the black/silver design that first appeared in the strip. As mentioned the base body is a 1964 Dalek, with Citadel's "Chaos Black" and "Mythril Silver" paints used.

TV21 Comics Black Dalek Doctor Who Custom Character Options Zeg

TV21 Comics Black Dalek Doctor Who Custom Character Options ZegTV21 Comics Black Dalek Doctor Who Custom Character Options Zeg

Next on my "to do" list is a couple of standard drones in various different colourschemes!


liminalD said...

Love it :)

Are you familiar with Mechmaster's Second Empire comic? I always felt that was influenced by the TV 21 comic strip.

And that Emperor looks like it'll be awesome when finished - how'd you do it? :)

Alex said...

Oh wow, no I hadn't heard of that comic! Looking at it I've seen images on Google before in that style, but didn't know it was a full web comic. Thanks for sharing, I'll definitely have to give that a proper read!

And the Emperor is a garage kit that I bought, no way would I be able to make it myself haha. It's a bit on the pricey side but I thought it's well worth it for what will probably be the only toy/model it ever gets

(It seems to have gone up in price since I got it as well, I'm sure I paid £65 for it)

liminalD said...

Just checked the link out - that's pretty cool, I didn't know about that :)

Yeah, Second Empire is kinda awesome... it's been going for ages, it's at about 600 pages now and there's lots of little references to other things in it (Star Wars, James Bond etc). Some great artwork in there.

If you're interested, there's a guy on DeviantArt called LibrarianBot who does awesome Dalek images too :)

Ed said...

I have a spare Dalek Supreme from History Set #2 (Invasion of Earth). I was going to use the extended fender/base to make a movie Dalek. Once I remove the base, I could easily transform that Dalek Supreme into this version of the Black Dalek by painting the Hemis silver. I did a quick search on Mythril Silver and I read that it is no longer made. Citadel Runefang Steel suppose to be a replacement paint, but I've heard it is not the same and is darker.

1) Do you recommend a replacement?

2) When painting the Hemis silver, do you use any masking tape to protect the Dalek's black skirt?
I realize it would take forever to completely cover the entire skirt since one would have to work around 54 round hemis, but I thought some strips of tape between the rows and perhaps the columns might provide some protection if one made an errant brush stroke. Of course, I've never painted Hemis so I don't know if that would be a waste of time or not. Do you do anything special or do you just take your time and hope you have a steady hand?