Thursday, 13 September 2012

Mega Bloks Power Rangers Super Samurai Super Green Ranger & Translucent Mega Mode Red Ranger

The next two figures I've gotten from the Power Rangers Samurai Mega Bloks blindbags are the "rare" Super mode Green Ranger and translucent Mega mode Red ranger. Much like the three figures I've already showcased, these two are really nice figures with tons of detail - but are let down a bit by some shoddy QC. Both have some poor white paintwork (particularly on Green's left arm) and sprue marks on the bodies. Usually I wouldn't moan about such cheap figures, but when I've already seen the top notch job on the first wave I'm just sad that it didn't continue.

On the plus side, unlike wave one's Mega Mode Pink, Red comes with a Mega Blade! The detailing is pretty simple, but the fact its jointed is a great touch for such a small figure.

1 comment:

Alejandro jara arce said...

I love this collection of minifigures, the designs of the rangers are very good