Thursday, 26 January 2017

More London Toy Fair 2017: Power Rangers at the Underground Toys Booth

With the 2017 Power Rangers movie close in sight and Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers nostalgia at it's highest, it isn't just Bandai UK currently getting in on the ranger revival. While attending London Toy Fair 2017 I had the chance to drop by the Underground Toys booth, the official partner and distributor of Funko's range of collectables in Europe (including the unstoppable juggernaut that is Pop! Vinyls), recently acquired by the US company. Among the seemingly never ending range of licenses they seem to be gathering (the newest ranges included Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2, Stranger Things and the live-action Beauty & the Beast) was of course Power Rangers. Read on for a full run-down what was on show.

Pop! Vinyl

When it comes to Underground/Funko, the most obvious place to start is of course Pop! Vinyl. When may have seemed like a novelty has turned into a huge collector phenomenon that covers more films, shows, video games and comics that I can even think of. Power Rangers is a relatively recent addition in the constantly growing list, and comes in both original Mighty Morphin AND 2017 movie flavours. The original series range includes all seven rangers (red, blue, black, yellow, pink, green and white) and Alpha 5, while the new movie range is of course just the main five colours. The Mighty Morphin range is already available, and although the movie Pops have just hit the US they'll be arriving in the UK next month.

Pint Size Heroes

"Collect them all" are dangerous words to a collector, and the recent rise in blind-bagged toys has only served to make collecting more exciting/frustrating/mysterious/all of the above. Funko's newest venture into this territory is Pint Size Heroes - 1.5" sized figurines stylised in a similar way to their larger Dorbz line. The range already includes the likes of Five Nights at Freddy's and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2, and now Mighty Morphin Power Rangers will be joining them. The best thing about this range is that it doesn't just include the standard rangers - it also features helmetless variants, Alpha 5 and villains such as Rita, Goldar, Lord Zedd, Finister and Putties! I foresee this being a huge money-sink for me in the near future, as not only do I completely get sucked in by blind bags but the figures look great too.

Metals Die-Cast

The newest kid on the block is Jada's Metals Die-Cast range, 4" figures done up with their own unique stylisation. Just to show Power Rangers will be truly taking over this year Metals Die-Cast will also be adding the original Mighty Morphin suits to their line-up, right now consisting of the first six rangers (although I have no doubt that a White Ranger will eventually follow). In addition to their weightiness, the cool thing about these was that they're all wielding their unique weapons as well. These will be hitting stores in the next few months.

And that about covers Power Rangers releases from Underground/Funko! Of course there was far far more on display as well, but if you wanted a full run down of everything I could honestly be here forever writing it out. Basically if you're a Funko fan, a Power Rangers collector or both it's a pretty exciting time with all these releases either happening now or just on the horizon. A big thank you to Underground Toys for being so welcoming at Toy Fair too - as a first timer it was a lot to take it and you were all extremely helpful!

Pictures and information provided by Underground Toys, whose official site can be found at

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